LEUCO Production S.A.S.

About Us
LEUCO Production France, subsidiary company of Ledermann & Co. KG, is production plant for high performance circular saw blades.
Founded 1974 in Beinheim / Elsass. We are producing carbide and diamond tipped circular saw blades for the Leuco group and others.
Don't hesitate and contact us directly.
Our competence
Our production facility is equipped with a modern machine park.
Herewith we satisfy our customer needs concerning, quality, performance, reliability and delivery time. Our strict benchmark allows only qualified European market leader to supply us.
Leuco is mastered in producing saw blades. From the metal blade to the high performance circular saw blade. There is no limit for our products; solid + soft wood, plastics, compounds, non ferrous materials and more.
Well known manufacturer of all business fields using day by day our products:
Industrial saw mills, furniture and kitchen industry up to non ferrous profile suppliers of door and window industry, and world wide leading DIY Power Tools supplier.
With pride we are looking all day on our world wide application fields.
Quality, Safety and Environment
Certified by DIN ISO 9001. Not only state of the art machine equipment takes care of the quality of our products, modern measuring machine equipment and always well trained employees are staying day by day for our brand.